Contextual Site Map (Relation to Neighborhood)

The Frogtown neighborhood is a neighborhood that boasts a cultural wealth and diversity that cannot be denied, while certain critical resources are lacking. The neighborhood by and large lacks that resources for parks and green space for the residents that call the Frogtown community home. Nevertheless, there is a silverlining and a perpetual light at the end of the tunnel. Frogtown Farm aims to bring back some of the life and vitality to the community and those other communities that are adjacent to the site.

The road ahead is long but no doubt the journey is well worth it.  The site is just miles from the Minnesota State Capitol, downtown St. Paul, downtown Minneapolis, Como Zoo, the Mississippi River, several notorious college campuses, and many other hidden neighborhood gems.

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A report (Thomas-Dale Neighborhood data & trends – Minnesota Compass) published by shows that there is a dire need for community revitalization by way of additional green space and community resources. *See the full report below –

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Population by race/ethnicity and income demographic information highlighted (

household income

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